I’m sure this could be done in the AnimBlueprint, as far as the Character Blueprint, you could check the movement mode (and when it equals your state, set rotation). This was easier to setup and you can control the rate in the CharacterBP as well (I just have my character do 360’s when I’m falling for example).
Thanks, so that “Check_State” custom event in an AnimNotify or something different?
I say this because I want that rotation at a rate for the character to be processed when its AnimBP is in a specific State, not when enters it, exits it or it’s fully blended, which seem to be the three possible cases to call an AnimNotify event for that state in the AnimBP.
So I think I’m missing something or otherwise an AnimNotify wouldn’t be the ideal resource to rotate the character at a constant rate while in that certain AnimBP State.
The Check_State is a Custom Event inside the Character BP which is called every tick. I may have misunderstood what you were after as I took your state to mean movement state.
For me, rather than pass information to the AnimBP if it can be done inside the Character BP, it’s much more simplistic - but that’s just my approach. What else are you wanting the character to do, or more specifically what you want to have happen?
I’ve finally changed the animation in Max so it rotates as desired, this way nothing else needs to be processed for this. Another solution I haven’t thought about even it’s very evident (and managed before) was, as the State is entered when a bool changes in the character BP, to call the rotation function to start when that bool gets true and end when another condition is true.