July 13, 2024, 12:32pm
I deleted some needless files(Binaries, DerivedDataCache, Intermediate, Saved, sln file) and click .uproject, “Generate Visual Studio project files”.
Turn on Visual studio, and press F5.
But this came out.(What do I call this?)
What happend? I find out something different on visual studio.
I didn’t keep my eye on it, but it should not be UE5. Instead it should be my project’s name.
But there is no my project name.
Why this happend? and how can I connect visual studio to UE5?
July 13, 2024, 3:29pm
You should not have erased your .sln file, this one was important .
What you can do is open your project’s folder and launch your uproject. Then you can go to Tools and Generate Visual Studio Project . This should create your .sln file and you should be able to work.
July 13, 2024, 3:52pm
I’m now reinstalling UE5.
I’ll do this next time if this situation comes again.
July 14, 2024, 6:55am
This time, I didn’t delete .sln but binaries, intermediate, Saved, DeriveDataCache.
right click .uproject “Generate Visual Studio project files”
go into visual studio and it is same as I did.
So I double clicked .uproject, click OK to rebuild.
But next I double clicked to do what you said, this showed up.
What is it?