how to connect mysql using c++


I want to connect mysql from ue4 c++ but in my c++ console application works,

in my unreal c++ i cnanot add reference:

Cannot open #include <mysql.h>

Thanks for help.


I have tried with blueprint, but I don’t have plugin for Mysql. I have only 4. Link: mysqlue4 — ImgBB

I tried to use: GitHub - KhArtNJava/MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin: MySQL Database Connector Plugin for Unreal Engine 4</titl

but after want to click on generate Visual Studio Files, not possible rebuild then I tried with c++ rebuild and I goT Severity Code Description Project File Line Suppression State
Error CS1729 ‘UnrealBuildTool.ModuleRules’ does not contain a constructor that takes 0 arguments MyProject11 c:\Users\Ryzen\Documents\Unreal Projects\MyProject11\Plugins\MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin\Source\MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin\MySQLConnectorUE4Plugin.Build.cs 6

I used UE 4.23 version