How to configure editor to place new actors at world origin?

I’m noticing by default in UE 5.2 that new actors are placed at an arbitrary location in world space. I would like to change this so that new actors are always placed at the world origin (0, 0, 0). Is there a setting for this?

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I know the ‘floating’ feeling you mean.

Two things are handy to know

  1. If you place dragged item onto something, it helps a lot

  2. If you really want them at the origin, just drop it anywhere in the scene, and then in the details just click this

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Thanks @ClockworkOcean !

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It’s been a few months since OP’s original post, and I came here for the same thing.

These techniques are great, but I’m looking for an engine preference that automatically just creates a new asset at the origin, and breaks the concept of placing under the mouse. The original behavior might be great for games, but for cinematics it’s a bit tiring.