Hello! i am new in UE and got some trouble.
I made a bleuprint wich is moveing objects up and down.
I want to set another blueprint wich is contain collide box. when the player is overlapping i want to stop the first BP action. how to do that?
The Event Graph of the moving object:
The timeline:
The Event Graph of the actor with the collision volume:
And here’s the result:
Hope this helps!
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Attack to player dosen´t work Please, I need help.
Thank you very much! it’s a smooth solution. unfortunately it’s doesn’t work for me…
i did exactly how u do but It does not looping. its moveing one sequence and stop.
I set the looping on the “set timer by event node”, and set the timer to loop but its not working
I dont know is it a bug or something…
Can you show your code?
I suspect you plugged the custom event that’s bound to the timer into the Play pin of the timeline instead of the Play from Start pin.
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You were right! wrong pin… now its working perfectly! Thank you again! <3
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