How to completely rename a project?

So out of curiosity, how do you rename a whole project?

I’ve made several projects to test different things, I basically recreated them into one project to see how they all worked together and I named it “Test_Environment_13” and I want to rename it to my game’s name, or what I want the game’s name to be. My main thing is I don’t want to have to re-do everything all over again. Making the maps, adding the character/animations, then programming the animations and stuff.

TL;DR: Is there an easy way to just rename a whole project?

Hi iRageGGB

You can start by changing the GameName Parameter in Config/DefaultEngine.ini.

I got this from answerhub. There are some great people there and a lot of questions have already been answered:

Yeah I completely spaced on AnswerHub, thanks anyways.