How to completely disable the mouse in a character select screen?

I have the character selection working with a gamepad, but I do not want the mouse anything to be there.

What I have tried so far - Removed all mouse inputs from project settings - input.

Set input game only - I have tried doing this in the level bp the CS exist, in a bp dragged into the map that loads with the map, and also inside the character select widget. But no matter what I try it seems the mouse is always there and working.

Any help is appreciated thanks.

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That does seem to do it but I need some more help if you don’t care. When I did this it completely broke the character selection. Is “Focus” a mouse thing? Because I had it working with the joystick but because its looking to put a certain character in focus first it seems to no longer work. Thanks for the help.

If you have any ui elemtents the n try swapping out “set input game only” to “set input game and ui”

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You answered my question(s).

For anyone else wondering on that last question. I ended up having to essentially make my own way of hovering and button clicking.

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