How to Complete This Blueprint?

So what I am trying to do is complete the blueprint within this link Possible to Change Wind Strength in Level Blueprint? - Blueprint - Unreal Engine Forums but I am having trouble finishing it.

This is the blueprint I am trying to create but the parts that are circled red are the ones I do not know how to add.

At the moment this is what my one looks like.

I am new to all of this so any help would be appreciated.

Drag off from the Component Node that is attached to your WindSourceInputActor Node and type into the Context Menu box that appears “Speed”.

It should return 2 options, Get Speed and Set Speed.

You want both of those.

Thank you so much =)

Ive got another question. I have found a blueprint that works within my scene where I press the 1 key on the keyboard and the wind increases. What I want to do now is make it so that when I press 1 it increases slowly, not instantly. And also make it I can return it back to its previous state / turn it off. Also if it is possible I would prefer not to press 1 on the keyboard and have it go off after a certain amount of time.

Here is what the blueprint looks like at the moment.

Just play with the strength and speed values.

If you want it to increase slowly try using a timeline node that updates your strength and speed values

That worked, thanks.

I am also wanting to do the same thing with the clouds where the opacity increases, does anyone know how I may achieve this?

Try applying the knowledge you just learnt about Timelines to solve the problem of increasing opacity in your clouds. The process will be very similar.

Spoon feeding you the answers will not make you a very good problem solver in the future. Try to figure out things for yourself first and when you are really stuck then come for help.

Good luck!

The reason why I am asking is because I am stuck. I did try a similar process as well as looking at this thread Updating Cloud Opacity via Blueprint doesn't have any effect - Rendering - Epic Developer Community Forums .

Here is what I ended up with…

It might not even be close to it being correct but like you said it is worth a try figuring it out yourself.

You need a reference to BP_Skydome, right now you are setting it (to nothing), so select it in the map, then open the level blueprint and right click, you should see an option to create reference to selected actor.

edit: Actually you’ve already done that when you are calling updateWeather, so set Cloud Opacity in the same way, drag off from the reference

You are spot on. Pretty surprised at how close I was though =P