How to compile UE from source on mac

Hello, I am trying to build Unreal Engine from source in git hub on mac and I seem to have some discrepancies I can find no information on the web about. I installed the latest possible version of xcode, I cloned the repository, ran the Setup.command and then the GenerateProjectFiles.command. According to the official instructions from here Building Unreal Engine from Source | Unreal Engine 5.5 Documentation | Epic Developer Community there should be a file called UE5.xcworkspace in the directory, which I should open in xcode and build 2 targets after that. However, the GenerateProjectFiles.command generates 5 files:

  • UE5(IOS).xcworkspace
  • UE5(Mac).xcworkspace
  • UE5(TVOS).xcworkspace
  • UE5(VisionOS).xcworkspace
  • UE5.sln

What is the “sln” file even doing here? There is no UE5.xcodeproj file, there is no UE5.xcworkspace and I can’t build the “UE5” target. I opened the UE5(Mac) workspace and inside I found the ShaderCompiler target, I built it, but I cannot find the “UE5” target. I tried building the UnrealEditor target but that took longer than 10 hours, I think the build might have stalled so I stopped it and decided to start the process anew. However, I cannot seem to be able to generate the UE5.xcworkspace file. Is it possible that this is because I have visual studio for mac installed on my machine?