How to compile single cpp file

When I edit and compile a single cpp file it also compiles .so file? Can I disable it and it is also compiles fixing some so file.

Using clang version ‘3.8.0’ (string), 3 (major), 8 (minor), 0 (patch)
Performing 3 actions (2 in parallel)
[1/3] Compile MyFirstClass.cpp
[2/3] Link
[3/3] FixDeps UE4Editor

I’m not sure I follow your train of thought. To my knowledge the .so file needs to be recompiled because you’ve changed the source code of it.

I might just be confused here though.

If that so, can I make my compilation faster because I have to recompile my single cpp file in just 4 mins and I have only i5-4200u processor which is the minimum requirement.