How to compile LyraStarterGameEditor folder inside source code LyraStarterGame

I created a new project from Epic Launcher, I recode C++ as LyraStaterGame. But in the source code there is only have the project name folder. How to compile Editor folder, because there are classes that are implemented inside Editor. Help me, thanks

I think the best solution is to regenerate the project. To do this, delete the .sln and .vsconfig files, as well as the Intermediate and Binaries folders. Then, right-click on the Epic icon and select the option to regenerate the Visual Studio files.

i tried to build lyra source code copied from engine source folder(5.5.0), failed…
but i can successfully build lyra source code downloaded from fab.
wondering whether the lyra source code inside engine source folder is the latest or not…
Note: when run lyra, needs the content folder downloaded from fab market

5.5.0 I haven’t tested it yet, I’ve never had any problems compiling the Lyra code. If the topic creator could tell me the engine version he’s using, that would be great.