How to compile 4.8 on Ubuntu 15.04 with HTML5 support

Dear All,

I was able to compile UE 4.8 and tools on Ubuntu with support for Android. So far, so good.

But despite having a nice installation of emscripten here, and being able to emcc, I wasn’t able to enable HTML5 support for the UE tools.

What am I doing wrong?

Also: how could I recompile the whole set once my issue is resolved?

In advance thank you for your help.

Hey Argo Navis-

We have not done any direct support towards HTML5 on Linux at this point. While we don’t foresee any fundamental problems with using HTML5, it doesn’t work out of the box. You may be able to compare how HTML5 is used on other platroms and add a similar setup on your end.
