im working on a poker game. Ive made a function that recieves an array of 7 cards and then analaizes it and returns 5 integers. For example 02 08 08 05 05 11, the 02 means its two pairs the 08’s are the top pair the 05’s are the low pair and the 11 is the kicker. This way i can determine the winning hand by just compairing the numbers starting from the left. Optimally i would have liked to store this whole number in a int for easy comparison instead of compairing each in in sequence. But integer cant hold a number that big. Is there a way to increase the size of a int? Or do i have to keep the result separated? Its not a big problem but it would be so much easier to have them all in one variable as a large number.
Hi. thank you for your reply. “11, WTF is that?” 11 is the fith card, in this case a jack. Ill post a screenshot so you can see a example of the cards and the number.
I dont know if this approach is good, but as im not much of a programmer its what i came up with that seemed easiest to me, im sure there are better solutions that
better programmers could come up with. Although the function that analyzes the cards is HUGE and will be a nigthmare to debug. But it works most of the time. An also i made it early in the development of this game so it will probably take a while to get into it again.I dont even want to think about it atm I will debug it when the game is playable and all the graphics are in. So when the game is almost finished (At least the single player part). Ill look into truncated float, i havent heard about that, if it can hold a 12 character long number it will be perfect cause then i can
just do comparions with only one variable per player it will make for much nicer cleaner code.