How to communicate widgets to actors?

Before asking the question, I’ll start by writing down the GameModeBase state.

GameModeOverride : GameModeBase

Default Pawn Class : SpectatorPawn
Spectator Class : SpectatorPawn

I set Widget to Beginplay in GameModeBase.

I want to pass a variable called Texture to the Actor when I click the Widget’s button, but I don’t know how to set the Target, so an error occurs.

So if I do it with EventDispatcher

I don’t know how to get the Widget into Target.
What should I do.

If you are already calling a dispatcher then just go to it’s definition and in it’s inputs (the source objects dispatcher’s input) add a new parameter of type texture2d and then when you call it from the widget pass in the needed texture, it will be passed on to the dispatcher and the concurrent event that it’s linked to.