How to Combine Multiple Effects for Players in Fortnite Creative?

Hi everyone,

I’m trying to figure out a system in Fortnite Creative where players can activate different effects by interacting with buttons. For example:

-Button 1 gives the player the ability to fly.

-Button 2 makes the player invincible.

If the player presses Button 1 and Button 2 in the same session, I want them to get both effects simultaneously, but Fortnite only allows one class per player at a time.

The challenge is that as more effects are added (like a third button with another ability), it becomes increasingly complex to manage these combinations.

Does anyone have ideas or creative solutions for detecting multiple button activations and combining effects when Fortnite Creative limits players to a single class?

Thanks in advance!

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@Hardcawcanary What do you think?

Since the class number increase to 256 that gives more combo’s to play with.

That means we gotta work out the math, the number of super powers and all possible combinations has to be under 256.

eg 8 powers, the actual answer calls for pen and paper diagram, but surely thats something like times by itself and halfed or something so approx 32 classes needed to accommodate for all combo’s of 8 powers.
Its a slightly complex class selector change system, where each button has several class selectors using it, but they’re all conditional on the class of the user so the correct class switches to the correct class.
Which would be better set out as a chart on paper first.

You’re mistaken about the calculation. If there are 4 power-ups, there are 32 possible combinations, such as power-up 1 + 2, power-up 1 + 2 + 4, and so on. With 5 power-ups, the number of possibilities increases to 64, following the pattern 2n where n is the number of power-ups.

What I’m asking is how to detect when multiple buttons are pressed simultaneously—for example, button 1 and button—and trigger a specific class based on that combination. This would work as an “if—>then” logic: if button 1 and button 2 are pressed, then switch to class X, where class X combines the effects of those two buttons

Ideally, the system would also handle different button combinations. For instance:

-Button 1 + Button 3 might activate class Y that combines powerups of the button 1 and 3

-Button 1 + Button 2 + Button 4 could trigger class Z that combines powerups of the button 1, 2 and 3

This logic would apply to all possible button/power-up combinations. However, I haven’t found a device capable of detecting these button presses, storing them in memory, and using them to execute conditional logic (if—>then) based on the specific inputs

Edit: I made my calculation wrong sorry :sweat_smile: I counted the order of the effects, but that have no importance. And I think is also made a mistake in the result… You might be correct, but I’ll have to verify though

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The class system is trash :open_hands:

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True, for what it’s worth it was good for the toolset we had back then but this
:arrow_down_small: Is PEAK, I hope it includes flight settings and more functions that were class only

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Attribute evaluators might be able to handle the selection.


Yeah you’re right, I didn’t know this device existed…
But even if it’s possible to make an “if—>then” system, I still have to make a class for each combination possible
That’s gonna be hard

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If it helps, with verse you can use certain functions to avoid having them as “classes” eg instead of calculating what class to give to combine flight with invincibility you can just directly do FortCharacter.SetVulnerability(false)

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Ooohhhh that’s cool! But I’m terrible at Verse so I’ll need either a premade and customizable code, or a tutorial that explains EXATCLY how to do this

Edit: I’d also like to combine all this system with custom Verse effects (for exemple Aimbot, Invisibility…) that I got on the Internet. But I have no clue on how to combine different Verse files to work together

Make a spreadsheet for the classes, that will make it easier.

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Hello Zelytow,
This is a really cool question that I just also ran into. I have some solution. Which is similar to the once discussed below but there are a few things I would like to add.

Indeed there are 254 different classes and 100 teams max. This is far from all possible combinations as this allows us to create 8 different boolean values. But we are in luck. as most properties from a class and team can be set through verse like health, shield, overshield and (in)vulnerability. Only movement speed, and flying as far as I know together with.

Where to find those functions?
In: you can see some of the functions regarding this like:


For movement speed we can use stat_powerup_devices with unlimited length (Or just so high that it’s practically unlimited. You can even say that this power up can be replenished)

Now for the other scenario’s like energy (stamina) and flight:
What I would do is make all odd classes fly classes, and all even classes not. Then we have 127 fly and 127 non fly classes. So we can set 127 stamina regenmodifiers. But as it is from 0 - 100 we only need 101 of them.

In this way you can make everything customizable as you want. You can even go a step further and disable all building mechanics and implement your own using teleportation (or when Scene Graphs go into beta using Scene Graphs). If you need any further help or need more ideas just tag me or send me a dm.