How to combine/merge 2 BSP in to one single BSP,How to merge two BSP into a one Single BSP

I’m sorry for asking this question but i want to expand my knowledge using Unreal Engine 4 and also if the title of the thread is not appropriate on what my question is. But i want to know if there’s a combine/merge tool or anything that will merge my two BSP into one. Because as you see they are colliding each other and i don’t want that i want to have a clean *vertices? merging to the other cylinder and not making it look like and epic fail. You can clearly know what i’m trying to tell about by looking the picture i have given and especially the 2nd picture you know what i’m trying to imply by just looking on the rooftop i want to merge them. Thank you for teaching/helping me :slight_smile:



,I’m sorry for asking this, or even if the actual thread is not the right question? I’m literally new to Unreal Engine and i would like to know if there some merge thingy around BSP’s? As you can see you know whats wrong on the picture they are colliding each other and i don’t want that i want to merge them as a clean/neat mesh. I want to merge them perfect clean.