How to collab on the Unreal Market Place

I asked Chat GPT how we can set a collab for the Unreal Market Place but i can’t find the Team Tab as mentioned. How we set a team for the Unreal Market Place ? (To set up a team collaboration for the Unreal Marketplace, you can follow these steps:

  1. Create an Epic Games account if you don’t already have one.
  2. Create a team by going to the “Teams” tab on your Epic Games account dashboard.
  3. Invite your team members to join the team by entering their email addresses.
  4. Once your team is set up, you can create a product on the Unreal Marketplace and choose to publish it as a team product.
  5. Decide on the revenue split among your team members and set it up in the “Revenue Share” section of your team’s product page.
  6. When a sale is made on the Unreal Marketplace, the revenue split will be automatically distributed among your team members according to the percentages you set up.)

I think there is no such thing in UE store:) From my experience Chat Gpt made up a lot of hidden features for various software and services, most of the time they does not exists