To lower my character I have to hold down the ctrl button, but I would like to click it once and the character goes down and stays there. Then when I click it again, it gets up again. How can I do ?
I assume yur talking about crouching. If thats the case then you need to setup your blueprint like this, on cntrl pressed event → flipflop-> then for pin A connect to crouch, and pin B un crouch. You could also do this by getting the value of the is crouching node then using a branch
Thank you so much, I solved. You will be rewarded, but you can tell me how to do when: the character is crounching by holding down the shift key he gets up and starts running
im guessing you mean that shift is your sprint button (your explanation isnt very good). in this case you would basically just call the uncrouch when shift is pressed then proceed on to the other script for your sprint.
if thats not what your looking to know then explain your issue in more detail and in a way that is understandable.
the character who is at the crunch, pressing the sprint button he gets up and starts to run. How about fortnite, rainbow six siege .