How to clean the import setting source file path?

Hi dear UE community,

I am planning to put environment assets to the unreal marketplace for the first time and i was wondering about the source file path for the fbx meshes and tga textures.
Is it consider as an “unsued folder” as mentioned in the guidelines 2.7.2 ?
Are they have to be in the SourceFiles folder next to the Content folder and send in the zip file with the project ? As far as i understood it seems not but i am not sure.
The path will be like that in the import settings : …/…/…/SourceFiles/Meshes/Meshe.fbx

Is it a problem, or is it better, if the Source File path in the import settings is blank ?

When i looked some contents of the marketplace, some assets have their import setting source file path directly pointing from the publisher’s PC and others have just the name of the asset instead of a path. The last case seems more clean and professional, how can i achieve that ?

Thanks in advance for your answers.



Hello. A bit late but I was looking for the same thing and couldn’t find a way to clear asset’s path anywhere, so I tried to find it for myself and finally found it!.
Open the asset you want to change the path and scroll down to the “File path” tab and down there you’ll find an X to clear the path.
Hope it helped in case you haven’t found it yet or to anyone else dealing with the same problem.


You’re a lifesaver!! Couldn’t find this solution anywhere

Hello ! well I made a plugin to clean the path information.
“PathClean_Deve” on Fab