Is there a way for me to check what the current url is if someone launches a html5 build of my app? I’d like to get it as a string but if it can automatically get query parameters that’d be nice. Also this is a blueprint project but I’d be willing to add in c++ classes
The location.href JavaScript variable (Window: location property - Web APIs | MDN) contains the URL of the current page.
Getting the data from JavaScript to C/C++ side does require a bit of information about the internals of Emscripten. Check out Interacting with code — Emscripten 3.1.39-git (dev) documentation.
There was an earlier forum thread about doing this kind of interaction, and how to get strings around from JS to C/C++, see HTML5 Content: Control Browser From inside UE4 - Platform & Builds - Epic Developer Community Forums
This is what I was looking for, thanks.