Want to check internet connection on my android game
The easiest solution is probably to run a simple GET request against something like google.com using a simple C++ function like this one:
void AMyActor::RunInternetCheck() {
TSharedRef<IHttpRequest, ESPMode::ThreadSafe> local_http = FHttpModule::Get().CreateRequest();
local_http->OnProcessRequestComplete().BindLambda([this](FHttpRequestPtr request, FHttpResponsePtr response, bool success) -> void {
if(request->GetResponse()->GetResponseCode() == 200) {
/// ---> add your code here that gets executed when having internet connection
But Im using blueprint so how can I implement this in my blueprint project
BlueprintNode "Has Active Wifi Connection"can check whether your mobile is connected to wifi
Continuing the discussion from How to check whether phone is connected to internet or not:
works for me:) also for windows and android as well
You can use this to detect WIFI / Mobile data in Mobile phone.
(1) How to Check if Android has Internet connection of not in Unreal Engine for Free - YouTube
here you can check Internet Connect video URL link - https://youtu.be/68ulqbjn77o