Something quite odd happened in my project where my player blueprint got corrupt.
Although there were no errors and everything should have been fine, the jump function stopped working and various blueprints that casted to the player node stopped responding.
It took me forever to understand what was going on and eventually I simply deleted all the casting nodes and recreated them which fixed everything.
When something gets corrupt like that in the project, is there any way to tell?
Not a particular way to tell as far as I know, but if you select all of your nodes on the graph that you think may be causing a problem, hit right click, and select refresh nodes. It might work, I know it does in some instances in which something fails to update on its own, especially with custom events, but possibly others.
strangely there is no way. You might get an error message when you try to compile the uassets. refreshing has the downside that it does not normally solve errors but does break node connections. Corruption can be a lot of different things as well (bad enum, outdated node, functions not working, old properties still overriding c++ and so on.) There really should be a verification system for this but afaik there is not. disturbing.