How to check what widget is over an area after an animation.

Hey there,

Absolutely…weird question.

I have a box of widgets that rotates using an animation.

When It stops. I need to know what widget is at the front.

But I have absolutely no idea whatsoever on where to even begin with this.

I’m just hunting links or tutorials or any nodes to get started with.

Thanks everyone

ps. the widgets are placed using blueprint logic already.

Ok so having thought about it a bunch.

Im thinking theres gotta be a few ways.

  1. Collision box, whatever the widget is interacting with will tell me the details of the widget that’s interacting.
    I don’t think this is doable with 2d widgets and text box menus.

  2. Colour match, I have a colour matcher that waits for a colour overlay and then tells us what the overlay is.

  3. check how far the animation moved and mathematically work out which answer it is.
    This is an absolute nightmare of maths and systems.

I think colour matching is the way to go.
Just trying to figure out how to show the colour of a pixel?


The problem is all the widgets are technically visible as they are all on screen, just moving.

It’s solved in another thread.

Essentially, I had to find the answer prior to the transform, not after it.

That way, everything is predestined and nothing is left to change unless I want it to be.

Interesting system nonetheless.