how to check paper2d collision detection ?

hello, i’m starting to work in a 2d action game, i’m working with paper2d, i’m going forward step by step.

i’m setting up the collision on the player character sprites, but i have a question, my player has a sword and i’m spliting the collision in two parts, the player body, that will collide with the world and will receive the damage from the enemies, and the sword part that will infringe damage to the enemies and some interactive level objects; for example, how do i now that the enemies is hiting the sword and not the body of the player ? also how do i know the enemies is applying damage to the body and not the sword ?

is there a way to name the colliders to access them on the blueprint ? is there a way to make the colliders triggers?

here is a picture of my current collider setup


any help, tip or advice will be very appreciate.

thank you in advance for all the help.

i figured out this, removing the collision of the player, because i’m handling the main collision of the player with the capsule component, after that, i have set the collision preset of the sprite to OverlapAll, and i’m checking the overlap of the sword on the event called OnComponentBeginOverlap in the blueprints.

hope this help someone with this setup.