Given a point on the NavMesh, how can I determine if an AI Pawn can reach this point?
Basically the player makes a noise at position (x,y,z), then I pass this (x,y,z) to the AI Pawn.
Currently the AI Pawn will always walk towards (x,y,z) even if it can’t reach it and when this happens it just stays still.
I’m looking for a function similar to Get Reachable Point In Radius, but to be given (x,y,z) and output a boolean as to whether the AI Pawn can reach (x,y,z) i.e. it’s not behind an impassable wall.
I’m trying with UNavigationSystem and then will try with UPathFollowingComponent. But I’m always sloooow with UE’s C++. Suggested code always seems to take ages to load suggestions - is that a problem on my end or just the size of the codebase?
But I’m not sure what to do with the NavPath (where PathStart is the actor location, Position is where to move to) and this is called from a class which extends the AIController
The EQS will excel in this scenario also as the AI can pick a logical position instead of a random one. Plus it has the path test as an option ready to use