How to check for another objects collision box?

I need to check if a mesh overlaps with a certain collision component of another object.

But I can’t find how to make that happen.

I was hoping I could just cast to the other object’s component in the overlap event, but it seems I’m about 105 IQ points short to be able to understand it.

Does anyone know a good way to check if the object is overlapping with another object’s compent?


Question is, do you just want to check at some point, or do you want an event to fire when it happens?

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I need the begin overlap and also the end overlap events.

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I wouldn’t try and see if a mesh is overlapping. Much easier to put a collision box around it and check that.

If you have BP A and BP B, and they both have collision components. Then, in BP A


Thank you! I would never have figured that out.

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