Hi there!
I recently posted about some problems with Unreal 5 Physics, forum post, reddit_1, reddit_2.
And even thought I found some settings that may help, Unreal’s Chaos Physics Engine still sucks (Why it sucks 1, Why it sucks 2), it has problems with quality, stability, perfomance, and I cant really understand how and why EpicGames prefered Chaos over PhysX, Jolt, Bullet.
Anyway, some guys suggested me to integrate PhysX or Jolt into Unreal 5 myselft, or go back to UE4 with PhysX.
UE4 is not an option, because UE5 has a lot of good features like Nanite, Lumen etc.
So here I have a problem, Im pretty new to Unreal and its framework, Im not really intuitive with its source code and internal things. So for me “go change physics engine yourself” sounds like “go to the forest and find a chair that stays there”, I mean I cant even imagine what forest I should go into, and where that chair should be.
Do you know how to change Unreal’s Physics Engine or any source of information on this topic?
Ofc I already googled this, but most information is related to UE4 and not available due to the lost website pages, or links to UE4 wiki that not working anymore etc. So any info will be helpfull. Thanks
fyi: the same question I asked on reddit