How to change the PlayerController of a GameMode when loading the level in runtime?

I have 2 levels, A and B. In A I can choose between some options and, depending on the option chosen I want to use different PlayerControllers, say PC_1 or PC_2. The idea is that how the player controls/interacts with the world in level B depends upon the choice in A.

I don’t want to change the player controler in development mode, that is, in the editor. I want to change which player controller will be used in runtime

But i found no way in the OpenLevel node to do so. There is only that cryptic field “options” that receive some string that I have no idea about.

How do I do that?

You usually don’t really want to change player controllers since the logic behind what each input does is not supposed to be defined within them, but if you really need to change them then you should create two game modes, each with different player controller class and pass that information about which game mode to use as option to OpenLevel method.
