How to change the game exe icon?

I’ve never been able to figure this out. So my game (released for 3 years) still has the UDK icon for it’s .exe.

Anyone know how to change it?

I’ve already added my custom icon to \Binaries\InstallData\GameIcon.ico, but after cooking and packaging the game, once installed it still used the default UDK icon.

I only know how to do that by building the exe from UE3 source. Put the icon in \Development\Src\Launch\Resources. Then put your icon file name in PCLaunch.rc.

I haven’t tried it because it’s not really a priority for me yet, but I think you can use something like this to force an icon change on any exe file…-an-.exe-file/

tried it now, it works without any complications far as I can tell.
obviously you need to share a full install of the game for this method to work, rather than the setup.exe made by udk frontend. but i believe that’s become standard now anyway.

@coix Pretty sure that will invalidate the signing of the file though (meaning that it will get flagged by anti-virus software as being signed by an unknown publisher). The current .exe is signed to Epic. I guess I could get a code signing certificate (pay for it), but that seems like a lot of hassle.

Yeah I just tested and it wipes out all the data from the Details tab when viewing the properties of the file. So if you ever plan on publicly releasing your game, you may need to look into getting your own signing certificate, otherwise your customers are going to get a big “unknown publisher” windows warning when running your game.

Weird, my exe didn’t get its details cleared and I didn’t see any alerts either, but lack of certification could definitely be a concern.

You can use ResourceHacker to change the exe icon, along with the name and details without breaking anything