How to change the flowering speed ?

Hello guyz,
I am not a modder, but I am searching everywhere a solution to change the speed at wich a crop produce fruits. At the moment it produce a fruit every 30-36 seconds. I would like to have a production of 1 fruit every 60sec?

Can someone explain me how to get that ? or at least help me in some ways.
Thank you very much !!!

you can open the speed hack seed and look the difference between the normal seeds

Hello, thanks but as said I have no skills in modding yet, I am eager to learn to create more stuff, but I would love to have a solution for the fruit production already.
If someone think about a solution that wouldn’t require Advanced knowledge I greatly appreciate !


You don’t need modding skills for compare text???

Hope this helps

Ok thanks, but I don’t know what is “speed hack seed” … and I don’t know how to compare them, I need a specific program ?

I just gave you the comparison already, what you need to change in your plant to produce fruits faster or slower is the “Next Stage Fertilizer Cache Thereshold” for the “Crop Phases 3” or the last phase, depending how many phases your plant has.

Excellent thanks for the help guyz I really appreciate !!