Hi there,
Sorry for the n00bish question but do you guys know how to change the default color of the scene background (when no skyphere is used), because I can’t really see the grid when the background is black.
Also, is there a way to remove the default fog effect applied to the grid (i find it a bit annoying) and to change the grid default color too ?
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The background color in Perspective view is meant to emulate real world lighting as opposed to a background color in an application like Maya or 3DS Max. Hence, you would need to add a static mesh or box to start off with, then add your own light. This is intended to give the game designer absolute control of lighting in the world.
For precision placement using the grid you would use the grid in the Top, Side, or Front view where the grid is much easier to see.
To disable fog, under the “Show” button in the view port there is a check box for “fog.” Uncheck this box or press “Alt + F.”
Hope this helps!
Thanks for the answer, I now simply use a sphere with radius 50000 and it works quite well, although I must admit that It might be a bit confusing for beginners…
About the fog I was only talking about the fog which is applied to the grid, not the the scene fog. If you observe the gird careful you’ll notice that it fades out quite quickly according to the distance from the camera. I would like to be able to change this value instead.
I see what you mean… Going to Unlit mode helps a little, but only when zoomed in close to the grid. I’m afraid there is not a way to adjust this in the perspective view but again, for accurate placement of assets you can still use the Top, Side, and Front views. Personally, I’ve found once the assets are placed using this method you can easily adjust them in the perspective view for nuance without relying on the grid in perspective mode.