I want to implement a system, where the player can move the arms of his character very freely, either via mouse commands or via a Razer Hydra, a Wiimote or similar devices. Think of it like the movement in Octodad without the whole ragdollyness.
For this I want to change the local transformation and rotation of several sockets of a SkeletalMeshComponent at runtime.
I tried doing this via
Mesh->GetSocketByName("socketName")->RelativeLocation = FVector(x,y,z);
but since GetSocketByName() returns a const value, I can only read it, not change it.
Also i tried attachig another Mesh to the socket I want to move and then move this, but this only moves the new Mesh and I haven’t found a way to attach a socket to the Mesh, so it will move together with it.
Does anybody have an idea, how to solve this?
Thanks, Asgatoril