How to change skeletal mesh inheriting animations from default Mannequin?

You need to assign your skeletal mesh the same skeleton asset that is used by the mannequin. This works if you have made sure to use the same hierarchy and bone naming convention as the mannequin. If you did not use the same skeleton hierarchy then you will have to use re-targeting tools between the two skeletons. If they are the same you will still need to use re-targeting tools to get the animations to look correct on your own model.

Skeleton Assets: Importing, Sharing Skeletons & Anims | 02 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube “Skeleton Assets: Importing, Sharing Skeletons & Anims | 02 | v4.8 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine”

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Very helpful, thank you.

Hello. My goal is to change the mesh of my 3rd person character since I’m using the default Mannequin provided by UE4.
Once created my custom 3d humanoid and imported it into my project,
when I change the skeletal mesh of my 3rd person character during the game there are no animations! It runs and jumps, but it always stands in T-pose!
This is because the Anim Class is not set, but, even if I set the Anim Class to the same ThirdPerson_Anim_BP_C nothing happens!



I just want to inherit the standard animations of the mannequin in the 3rd person character.
What am I doing wrong?

The retargeting tool is key :slight_smile: Thanks.