How to change Skeletal Mesh Asset in Character Blueprint at Runtime ?

I made the following graph to change the Skeletal Mesh Asset in a Skeletal Mesh Component attached to a Character blueprint.
Everything works fine except the mesh don’t change in the viewport.
It is supposed to pick one of the skeletal mesh from the meshes array randomly and change it into the component.
The Cast failed Print string is never triggered.
The Get Display Name print string is triggered every 5 seconds as expected.
The Skeletal Mesh Asset entry in the actor change also when I play in editor.
But the displayed mesh is always the default one.
I use the Paragon Dekker assets for this.

***UPDATE : ***
If I change the skeletal mesh component in the details panel for the character in the map it don’t change the skin, except if I pick a completly different character like chosing Serath instead of Dekker.
But in this case when I change back to Dekker some Materials may be from an other skin, like the top from Dekker and the lower body from Dekker Magma.