How to change/set vehicle position/rotation?

I wonder why it is not possible to set location/rotation of my vehicle the same way as any other actor/pawn:

None of those actions works, game just plays like I’ve never pressed any button. What is more interesting, after being triggered, they return True (what is supposed to mean, that everything went OK), If I replace ‘MyCar1’ with any other actor, its fine, but if its vehicle, it fails.

Destroying vehicle and then spawning new is a very bad idea, because I would have to recreate its state and what is worse, i refer to every vehicle by many variables in GameMode.

Does anyone have idea how to fix this or walk around?

~Thanks in advance.

I met the same problem, can someone help me?

I’ve managed to achieve this in C++ with code like this:

void AMicroCarTemplate::Retransform(FVector NewLocation, FRotator NewRotation) {
  GetMesh()->SetPhysicsAngularVelocity(FVector(0, 0, 0));
  GetMesh()->SetPhysicsLinearVelocity(FVector(0, 0, 0));

Note it was four years ago and I don’t know if there is now a better way or even if it will work on a modern version of the UE4.

I am trying to do.Thank you very much !