How to change position of an Actor in Sequencer attaced to a Camera Rig Rail with BluePrint?

I have an Actor(BP) moving along a Camera Rig Rail into Sequencer. I want to hide/show it with a “P” key. Usually I just change it’s position to -1000 +1000 and it allow me to hide and show the object under the ground. But this time the Actor is attached to a Camera Rig Rail and also into a sequencer. How can I access it and change it’s position to -1000 + 1000 when it is into the seqencer and attached to a path? I probably need something like “get all object from sequencer(array)” → get(ref)[1].

I am attaching an image where I show how my sequencer look and what position I would like to change. Also the second image is the BP of how I usually do it with a regular object. But this method doesn’t work with an object into a sequencer.

I am looking forward to hearing from you guys!

This is what I am trying to do, but it says that there is no any object with this “skeletalMeshComponent” class:

This looks like you are overcomplicating things. Can you use SetActorHiddenInGame?