How to change player's camera FOV?

Hi. I would like to be able to change player’s camera FOV in first person during gameplay using BP either by pressing a key or entering a volume. I can’t find a way to set FirstPersonCamera FOV. Any ideas?

Hey Luis.hernadez,

You have two options!

Option 1, you hit ` on the top left of your Keyboard in-game. That will bring up the console, and then you can type fov [number], in my example I type fov 100. You can also do exact thing in Blueprint using the Execute Console Command Node.


Option 2, you find the camera within the Player Character Class. Drag it into the Event Graph, pick from it and Type Set Field Of View. You’ll get a node allowing you to change the cameras FOV. I assign the change to activate when I press the Letter E.

I hope this helps.



Yes! You 've been of great help. In fact the second method is what I was asking for. My next step is to change the FOV depending on the size of the room that the player is getting in. I plan to make a volume that triggers the FOV change when the player enters, based in a value stored in the volume itself. I am not sure how to pass the value of the FOV from a variable containing it in the volume actor to the Player Character Class, but this is another story. Anyway, any help in that direction would be very welcomed.

Thank you very much again!!

Thank you very much!

hi there,
i cant set the field of view node, can anyone help? ^^


hello, i’m a noob, where can i find that “Player Character Class” ? where do i have to click ?

If you are using First Person and in the my character BP then just get First person camera and drag off of that and “Set Field of View” But if you are in another blueprint then right click and “cast to FirstPersonCharacter”, drag off the object and “Get Player Character”, then drag off of “As First Person Character” and Type “get first person camera”

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