How to change playable character?

How do i change it? i have tried changing it in Porject settings under default pawn class, but it doesint change it, what do i do?

Mainly, change the game mode.

You can change it in the project settings ( then it becomes the global default ), or you can change it per level, by setting the gamemode override in the world settings panel.

You can also spawn a player of the required type, and possess it.

Many ways…

I did manage to change it in world settings, however now he doesint move.

If you coded the character, then maybe you have a bug there?

Its a character form a tutorial video on youtube, it works fine on hes project but when i migrate it over it doesint work.

Did you copy the input settings from the project?

Does the character compile without errors?

Did you copy the character in windows, or migrate it from his project?


The input mappings are above the content folder in config
you export the input mappings from the old project and import them into the new one
or make sure you copy config as well as content.


I migrated it over.


So i shall replace the input mappings from hes?

It worked thank you!

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