Can someone please help with pictures?
People have asked this for years, and this post doesnt explain enough for me to know what to do:
I have a Blueprint (Widget UMG code) that randomly pulls a Particle Variable from a Data Table. I want to pass this Particle Variable (name of particle to use) > to the Anim Notify Trail - of a Sword Animation, for any Sword used during that animation.
This particle is not in the Sword BP, it is only set as a Trail in the Anim Notify (which plays when the Player has a Sword – but I have a bool for that in the Character BP).
The Particle Variable comes from a Widget Blueprint code, and this Widget is a component in the Sword BP.
Thus every for sword that exists, in the Sword BP > I Cast To Widget > to pull its Variable > to change a Sword setting component on the sword. But the Widget and Sword BP are not in the Anim Notify, so I cant cast to them?
So the main question is how can I get the exact Widget of every Sword that is in the Level (held by Player, AI, or on the ground) – so that during the Play Anim Notify (when the Trail Particle displays = only when swung), so that I can Set this Particle to be used in the Anim Notify?
I.e. each sword is different, and I want to pass a unique Trail Particle to each sword (which plays when swung).
Mathew showed how we can make are own Anim Notify Trail (v2) BP – and edit the code, then select this as our Trail v2 in the Anim Notify.
[What are the nodes to use to Get from the Controlling SK mesh (since only character or AI can pickup the sword) > then Get the Widget of the Sword that is held > then I can Cast To Widget > pull its Particle Variable > set it as the Particle in this Anim Notify.]
Or if you know how to put my Particle (not Niagara) as a Component in the Sword BP. Then pass the Sword’s Particle to the Anim Notify Trail Particle? (I put the Particle in Anim Notify, because I need the Begin/End logic of the “Trail” Notifies - which seems to be code only in Anim Notifies.)
Im aware of BPI. But this did not work when I tried to use it to pass a Widget Variable to Sword BP. So if you understand how to pass a Widget Variable to Anim Notify Trail BP (modded), then please show pictures. Thank you