Hi guys, I’m almost new to UE5. I’m not a game developer, I’m just designing scenes and animations. I’m trying to use the Niagara pool system, I can change most of the things that I want the only thing I couldn’t change is the Niagara pool shape.
You know, it already gives you a basic water cube shape. I’m trying to change that shape with my custom static mesh. I’m trying on a sample template that Niagara provides you.
I tried to add “static mesh location” under the “particle spawn” and I placed my static mesh but it doesn’t work, it’s still a standard cube shape.
Also, I tried to same things in “user parameter” and still same result.
How can i change the Niagara pool shape? And the last thing, when I put the Niagara pool into the scene, I’m creating a sphere and it can affect the water but my custom static meshes or other basic objects like a cube or cone, they don’t affect Niagara water. I’m adding a collider to my custom shape but it doesn’t work.
Please let me know if you know how can i manage this issue.
Thank you all