How to change Media Sound Component attenuation settings at runtime

UE 5.0.3
VR Project


I have a video play with a media player and I have added a media sound component once the source is open.

I want to change the attenuation settings at runtime, I set the override attenuation to true and then I set the Attenuation override struct with the attenuation struct from the attenuation file I want to apply.

The idea is that I want to change the falloff distance and inner radius at runtime.

I have a first attenuation settings with very small value, inner radius at 150 and falloff at 200 so we can only hear the sound when we are very close and a larger one with 400 in inner radius and 3600 in falloff distance.

My problem is that when I switch from the small settings to the large one, it’s working but getting back to the smaller one does not work.

I printed the attenuation overrides settings of the media sound component and it shows that the attenuation override settings are set correctly each time I change them but it seems once the large attenuation settings have been applied, the sound itself continues to react with these settings applied despite being told otherwise.

Would you have an idea on how to solve this problem ?

Thanks in advance