How to change material of an actor via static mesh?

I am making an anatomy-based study tool. Each level contains a different bone blueprint, which refers to the static mesh of said bone. I am making a quiz function so people can review different parts of a bone. When a new question comes up, the texture of the bone changes with that question (all this is stored in a data table). The issue is that I have a unique quiz mode for each bone, which is getting very tedious and clunky (i.e. I change one thing about the quiz mode and I have to change it for every bone). So I have created a master data table associating each level with its appropriate bone blueprints, static meshes, etc.

This was the previous setup. It works perfect.

And this is the new setup. I can’t get the return value to connect with the target in set material. The only thing I changed is that instead of choosing the actor class within the get actor of class node, I have it referring to a table based on level name.

So now when I try to connect return value to target, it says actor object reference is not compatible with primitive component object reference. I cannot for the life of me figure out how to fix this, I have tried so many things. But, I am very new to unreal so I am hoping this is an easy fix that I just don’t understand yet. Any help is appreciated!!