How to change game language during game play?

I want to change the language of the game during game play and I have allocated a button to Set Language and Local, see image attached, but by pressing the button it only changes the engine language not the translated widget texts using localization dashboard.

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You can only change game language when playing in Standalone mode.

In case you haven’t setup proper localization, try this guide from wiki.

Thank you very much for your comment and the link.

I have setup the localization and I can see the different languages in the language preview of each widget. However, the problem is that I cannot change the language inside the packaged game on my smartphone (android) by pressing on a button assigned for the Set Language and Locale. Would you please let me know how I can implement the change inside the packaged game?

Take a look at this video:
link text
here you got the solution for your problem if you are using Blueprints.
I Made my game change languaje using this tutorial.

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I haven’t check on android yet, but my packaged game is on PC and IOS and can change language anytime.

There a few thing you can review:

  1. In Localization Dashboard, Compile Text after you add all language

  1. Go Project Settings->Packaging, add any language you want to package, make sure change Internationalization Support to All


Thank you so much, it worked :slight_smile: I had to change Internationalization Support to All

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Thank you for the link

Everything is good, but when the game is packaged the language cannot be changed!
any suggestions?