How to change field of view of nDisplay camera?

The camera in the scene is created dynamically by nDisplay when started, hence edits in the Editor are not reflected on subsequent runs. I could not find any option in the nDisplay configuration files to specify a FoV for the camera.

How can I change the field of view of the dynamically created CameraActor? My understanding is that I would need to somehow obtain a reference to this actor (after BeginPlay?) then cast to CameraActor and Set Field of View.

I tried to create a blueprint for the DisplayClusterSettings, but I don’t find any way to obtain a reference to the CameraActor, by ID for example.

This seems to work for this particular situation, in blueprint of DisplayClusterSettings.

Still not completely sure if this is the correct camera which will be reflected in the viewer output, will see after package has been exported.

As long as the ndisplay standard template is only kind of parallax projection of the scene into a plane that depends on you point of view, it makes no sense to change the field of view.
If you use Incamera VFX, then you can use the inner frustrum camera as a normal camera in wich his viewport is contained in the main “parallaxed” one.