How To Change Editor From Xcode To VS On A Mac?

When opening up the UE4 editor, the only choice you have to open up the project source from the “File” dropdown is “Open Xcode.” I was wondering how you can change it from Xcode to Visual Studio instead, because it is an editor I am much more familiar with.
Here is a photo if it helps:

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Well, after an hour of research I found it, but I’ll post an answer anyway in case other people in the future have this problem. You have to start by going to the dropdown menu for Unreal Editor → Preferences. When the preferences window opens, you have to scroll down to General → Source Code. The only option there will be a dropdown menu. Click it and choose Visual Studio. That’s it!


Dude huge thanks!

Hey there! I got a question about this. So I am a student and we are now learning how to use Unreal Engine and we have to use Visual Studio. My problem is that I can’t select VS in the dropdown menu. I am using a Macbook and I only have the possibility for other Editors like Rider, Xcode, and VS Code but not Visual Studio 2022. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?