As the title suggests I’m wanting to change default pawn and possess it at run time.
I am trying to create a character selection screen. and then making the current selected character the default pawn to play with. (the current being just a Camera).
I’ve managed to spawn in the characters on selection (destroying them when spawning another) but I don’t know how to possess said character and destroy Camera pawn.
Id think you’d want to get the player controller, call detatch, and input the camera actor object for detachment. Then call destroy on the camera pawn, and then call possess from the controller and get the selected character object and input it
Unposses camera pawn, destroy it.
Then spawn character and posses it.
You can have same player controller for both, just check pawn class, or when new pawn is possesed change some variable in player controller.
Unless its multiplayer you do not need default pawn class, just spawn it like its actor. If you set player controller in pawn and character pawn you can have both controller spawn and be different classes for each pawn.
Could you expand on that? For example are you able to print out the action value from the movement input action but the Add Movement Input node connected to it’s Triggered pin don’t move the character even though it gets executed?