How to change default import path for Megascans assets?


I would like to change where Megascans assets are imported by default after downloading.
In the Quixel Bridge settings, Library Path points to where they are downloaded on disk but afterwards they still get imported under Content/Megascans/…
I would like to change this import path. Where can I do that?



Specifically, this path leads to download location only and does not import assets there.
How to change it? If its even possible in the editor/bridge?


I would really like to be able to do this to, I have not been able to find anything on such an option.


if u import the assets into ur proj, ue will automatically generate it in // Content/Megascans

In my case, I would like to know how to change that behavior so it goes to a folder I prefer rather than being directly in /Content.

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I was just wondering that too. It’s a bit annoying having the project all organized just to have those 2 Megascans’ folders laying there.

On the upper right corner of the Quixel Bridge window click the profile button and preferences. In the Library Path text window put where you want the location of the object to go. You will have to make a new folder location where you want it to save. After that you can move all your previously downloaded content to that folder and it will show up.

That’s the library where it stores what you downloaded, this thread is about where it gets imported into the project.

I just started making a folder for all my stuff directly under Content. Using other marketplace assets results in this same issue so this is fine workaround for me.

     *neatly organized*

So what if I wanted to save Megascan imports under a server path instead of my local disk? I still don’t see how that solves the issue, it basically ignores the path anyways for import in Megascans settings.

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please allow us to change the default import location from the quixel bridge

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Agreed. I want to create a plugin with megascan assets to use/link to various projects without having to duplicate asset files. However, if I move the megascan assets into the plugin folder and if I download another asset later it creates another “megascans” and “mspresets” folder under the content folder. In this case I can’t delete the “mspresests” folder because those newly downloaded megascan assets reference those presets vs my existing “mspresets” folder. Is there a way to redirect those assets to my other “mspresets” folder within the “plugin” folder without manually doing so?