How to change default character model and animations?

So I have a custom character model and some custom animations. How would I replace the default third person character model with my model and animations?

Thanks guys,

*) Click on the “Settings” button on the top.
*) Click on “Project Settings”
*) Click on “Maps & Modes”
*) Click on the Default GameMode
*) Take a look whats set at “Default Pawn Class” (hit that magnifiing glass icon)
*) Doubleclick on the (now selected) blueprint in the content browser
*) Search for “Mesh” and replace the skeletal Mesh with your mesh.
*) Search for “Animation” and replace the AnimClass with your Anim-Blueprint (if you don’t have any yet then retarget the third person anim-BP, rename it… so you could differ it from the original and select it there).
*) Remove the (visible) mannequin in the map (if there is any left). If there is no player start left add one (but if you start with the third person map than usually there is at least one). Your character would spawn at that “player start” (Network player start) afterwards.