hi i’m working on a game using the first person shooter template, i want to replace the current crosshair but don’t know how to change it.
right now i’m working on my game’s hud, i have almost create all the hud’s elements i only need to replace the crosshair, any idea where or what i need to do to change the default crosshair ?
thanks for the info, but i don’t have the MyHUD blueprints on my files, that was my first clue but didn’t found it, any ideas ? i need to change it in the c++ code ?
hi again, i found the main reason for the absence of the MyHud blueprint, the reason is beacuse i’m using the first person template, the c++ version, i have changed my crosshair with success opening the Hud class and changing there the default crosshair for the one that i have for my game.