Is it possible to change the color of a subsection of text in UMG using some sort of markup?
eg. “This is some colored text!”
I assume this is covered somewhere in the docs but I haven’t been able to find anything.
If it is not supported, do you have any ideas on how we might extend the engine to add support?
Hi Matthew,
There is a Slate widget which allows you to define different styles and switch between them in a text block. You can find the documentation here:
Currently, there isn’t a UMG Widget to expose this functionality in the editor. If you wish to code your own, there’s some experimental code that was written as a side project by one of our engineers that may help get you started. The files can be found at this path:
Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Components\RichTextBlock.cpp Engine\Source\Runtime\UMG\Private\Components\RichTextBlockDecorator.cpp
Thank you for making us aware of this, your feature request is logged in our system under UE-16865.